In the past dreams were considered an unnecessary product of sleep and evolution. But now there is conclusive evidence that dreams contribute to a vital part of our well-being.

Dreams are of great importance in the world of spirituality and are considered to be a gate to the spiritual world. Even in the world of science, scientists have found that dreams are a gateway to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where our subconscious thoughts reside, and it is where we store all our memories, emotions, and experiences.

Our dreams are our own personal narratives and our subconscious mind is the narrator of these dreams. Our dreams are the way we process the events that take place in our life. A dream can be a metaphor for the life that we have been living.

Whilst dreaming, we can experience our fears, beliefs, and emotions. In a dream, we can also experience our deepest desires and wishes. According to psychologists, dreams are the way we experience the symbolic meaning of life. For example, if you dream of a certain person, it means that you are experiencing the emotions that that person has left with you from the past. The way you dream about that person also tells you about your subconscious thoughts and emotions towards them.

If you dream about falling, you are feeling that you are not safe in your life and your life is out of your control. If you dream about a certain place, it means that you are experiencing the emotions that the place has to carry in the past.

According to Dr Allan Hobson, dreams are not just random, they occur because the subconscious mind is constantly emitting signals to the conscious mind.

Dreams are an important part of our emotional well-being. They are the ways we process our past experiences, and they can also predict the future. From the point of view of spiritualism, dreams are a gateway to the spiritual world. Since dreams are the memories of our subconscious mind, they are important for our personal growth. It is possible to interpret the meaning of dreams through meditation. Dreams are also an important part of your spiritual journey. It is possible to connect the spiritual world with the physical world through dreams.

Some people who do not have a high spiritual consciousness may feel that they do not have dreams, however, everyone dreams. Some people may feel that they are not able to dream because they are not able to remember their dreams.

We cannot control our dreams, but we can interpret them. For example, dreams can be a metaphor for our life. A dream can also be a prediction of the future. Dreams can also be a way to understand our subconscious mind.

Dreams are important for our emotional well-being because they are the memories of our subconscious mind. Dreams help us consolidate learning and information, process emotions, and store memories. Research shows that dream deprivation is as harmful as sleep deprivation being and has been found to cause poor emotional well-being and depression.

Time heals all the wounds, but it does not heal the wounds that are buried in the subconscious mind. According to professor of psychology and neuroscience Dr. Matthew Walker, dreaming is like overnight therapy. During his study, he found out that the time spent in a dream helps us heal our emotional wounds. Dreaming enhances our creative skills and improvises problem-solving skills. There are numerous examples where the ideas of great inventions were inspired by dreams.

Here are some of the inventions learned from dreams:-

Sewing Machine  

Yes, the sewing machine was invented by a dream. Sewing machines revolutionized the growth of the stitching industry but it was not easy. Elias Howe was struggling to design the lock-stitch mechanism. That night, he dreamt that he had been captured by cannibals and repeatedly stabbed by spears for not inventing the sewing machine. When he woke up and remembered his dream, he remembered that the spear had a hole in the tip. Howe realized that to make the sewing machine work he needs to put a hole in the tip of the needle to create the lock stitch mechanism.


Google was invented by a dream. Larry Page was anxious that his admission to Stamford University was a mistake and he could be expelled from studying at any time. This led to Larry having an anxiety dream. He dreamt that he downloaded the whole web database into one computer. He remembered this dream when he woke up and immediately started to work out the maths to check the feasibility of his idea. It took him two years to fully implement his idea and creating what we know today as a basic necessity and one of the biggest inventions of the century.


The double helix was discovered by a dream. James Watson dreamt about a spiral staircase and that led to the identification of the double helix structure of DNA. Identification of the structure of DNA has helped scientists to understand living organisms in great detail and has also shed light on evolution and mutation. This has also revolutionized gene therapy and helped find cures for many life-threatening diseases.

The Beatles – Yesterday

One of the most popular songs by The Beatles; came to Paul McCartney in his dream. The tune came in his dream and stayed in his head when he woke up. Once he was convinced that no one else wrote this song, The Beatles completed it and created the song that we know now and love.

Einstein’s theory of relativity

Albert Einstein was a genius whose dream led to the creation of the theory of relativity. In his dream, he saw cows were jumping across an electric fence once the farmer turned the electric fence on. He saw that all the cows jumped back together at the same time. When he asked the farmer, the farmer said he saw them jumping back one by one. This dream led to his theory that events may look different in relation to the place of the observer due to the time taken by light to reach the eyes.

In conclusion, dreams play an integral part in our well-being and have a profound effect on our daily and spiritual life. Some of the greatest inventions came from a person’s dream! so remember to stay strong and keep dreaming!

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